The Faith Dimension: Seeing the Invisible, Achieving the Impossible


This book “THE FAITH DIMENSION” goes into the foundation of faith and builds your understanding from this foundation to a solid footing in this subject area.
This book is meant to be a tool in your hands that you can go back to, over and over again. It will encourage you, challenge you, equip you and help you see the invisible and achieve the impossible.

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In this book, you will learn:
What is faith?
Relationship between faith and the Word of God.
How your faith is revealed and activated by the words you speak.
How faith is dependent on your expectations.
Praying the prayer of faith.
About faith and love working together to achieve results.
Activating your faith by your corresponding actions.
The law of desperation and how this impacts your faith.
Some of my testimonies from a lifestyle of faith.

Niyi OlujobiAuthor

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Hardback, Paperback

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